Sunday, March 2, 2014

The warning signs of cat’s health

The warning signs of cat’s health   When you notice your cat is acting a little strange so you should try to pay more attention. Cats are known for hiding illnesses until the conditions worsen and signs become obvious. An extra trip or two to the litter box might not be noticed, but having to go every hour definitely signals that something is  going wrong with your cat. There are many health conditions to watch out for when it comes to cats. I  listed 19 cat health warning signs to help you identify signs that should have you concerned if they continue or appear at all. You have to check you cat weekly.

1. Lethargy
Lethargy describes a host of symptoms that include laziness, drowsiness, delayed reactions or Lots of sleepng. If your cat shows these signs for more than a day or two, it might be a sign of a more serious problem that needs attention of your vet. Some problems like anemia, various system disorders, injury or cancer are possible.

2. Repetitive Gagging or Vomiting  
It’s normal that cats usualy have hairballs from time to time considering how much self-grooming they do, but vomiting or gagging repetitively can be a sign of more than a little fur or hairball . Large amounts of fur, hair, splinters,string or other materials can find their  way into your cat’s throat and stomach. Foreign materials can obstruct the esophagus, stomach or intestinal system and cause a dangerous blockage by help of hairballs. It can also be a sign of illness such as kidney disease, so don’t delay in getting your vet to examine this symptoms. If your cat is eating, drinking and eliminating waste normally even with the above symptom, some vets say it’s okay to wait until you can get to the vet the next day. If your cat stopped these activities, it is strongly recommended to take your cat to an animal emergency room for emergancy activitis.

3. Loss of Appetite
Cats are commonly known as finicky eaters, but drastic changes in regular eating habits should be a reason for concern. Possibilities include a number of illnesses, response to a recent vaccination, nervousness and stress from travel or unknown surroundings, or psychological changes.Like shocks. When your cat stops eating, the body starts consuming the fat to stay alive. The liver can handle only so much fat processing before it shuts down, so a loss of appetite can become seriously pretty quickly.

4. Diarrhea
If you clean the litter box regularly , you should notice this change in your cat’s waste. There are many reasons of diarrhea, some of them include disease, worms, allergies, allergic reactions and more. Always make sure your cat has fresh and clean water and limit his food. If the diarrhea persists for more than a day or the waste appears black or bloody, consider getting to the vet as soon as possible.It will help your cat to defend against nemathods.

5. Blood in the Urine
This sign can be a genetic issue in young cats or a sign of cancers, disease or blood clots in older ones. If you notice blood or a red tint to your cat’s urine, you need to get your cat to the vet.

6. Constipation
When a cat is unable to eliminate waste, cries or acts differently in the litter box, constipation may be the reason. This might be due to a blockage, change in diet or lower urinary tract disease that is more common in male cats. This can be life-threatening and dangeoures, so don’t delay in getting your cat  to the vet.

7. Weight Loss or Gain
Food intake and weight changes can be noticed more often than other signs, and these changes can be caused by many different health problems. Reasons can be as simple as stress to more serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes, viruses, parasites, gastrointestinal problems or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

8. Increased Urination
Drinking more than usual or increased trips to the litter box can be a sign of diabetes in animals also cats, kidney problems or other conditions. If you think your cat is experiencing one of these symptoms, try monitoring water intake or clean the litter box at the same time every day to monitor the potty breaks and other signs.

9. Skin Itching or Flaking
Flaking skin or repetitive scratching can be a sign of dermatitis or an allergy.Allergies can be caused by many reasons, but most often the culprit is reaction to a medication, a change in diet or parasites.

10. Change in Gums
Red and swollen gums are indicators of gum disease and problems. This sign may or may not be accompanied by bad breath. See the vet before starting a brushing or cleaning regimen ,to make sure your cat doesn’t need treatment first.

11. Eye or Nose Discharge
Discharges from the eye or nose may be accompanied by sneezing, panting or shortness of breath. These signs may be a sign of respiratory infection or sickness.

12. Coughing or Difficulty Breathing
You might figure out that your cat seems to be coughing a lot or breathing differently during routine activities or sleep. A change in breathing can mean many things: dehydration, toxicity, respiratory disease, worms, asthma, tumors . If breathing sounds different and your cat hasn’t been recently exercising, it’s time to get to the vet.And do some sports.

13. Difficulty Moving or Weakness
These symptoms can be signs of arthritis, muscle atrophy and may be accompanied by lethargy. More serious conditions such as neurological issues are possible and should be considered very important.

14. Fever
If you notice any signs out of the ordinary, it’s a good idea to also check your cat’s temperature. A temperature over 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit is considered as a fever, and organ’s damage starts close to 106 degrees. Causes might include an infection, tumor, recent trauma, medications or diseases. A digital rectal thermometer is a safe choice.

15. Growth or Lump on the Body
A change in your cat’s exterior should be cause for concern. Possible causes of growths or lumps include an infected cat bite, injection reaction, hernia, cysts, tumors or cancer. As you can see these possibilities, there is an urgency for medical care needed .

16. Disorientation
Elderly cats may slow down and forget certain things, and this is Ok. If your cat starts forgetting how to complete routine tasks, doesn’t remember people, uses odd places as litter boxes, walks around, has trouble with easy obstacles or you notice a change in vocalization, these could be signs of a neurological disorder or cognitive dysfunction syndrome in your cat.

17. Coat or Shedding Changes
If your average shedder suddenly stops dropping hair or your minimally groomed cat starts blowing the coat like an Alaskan Malamute, there might be an underlying health problem. This can be caused by a change in your cat’s grooming habits or a serious health problem or condition such as worms, thyroid changes, ulcers or infection.

18. Antisocial Behavior
If your friendly cat suddenly wants nothing to do with you, it’s important to search the reason for this change in behavior. Although it may just be a reaction to a recent change or stress, you should rule out medical problems with a trip to the vet first.

19. Dragging Rear Legs
This sign is typically caused by a blood clot being passed from the heart to the lungs. Clots can go into other areas and cause seizures, kidney failure, blue nails, swollen muscles or the grown pulse is absent. This sign should receive urgent medical attention and emergancy care.

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