Friday, August 15, 2014

Tips to Have a Healthy Cat

The Essential Cat

Your little friend has certain needs, some of those are basic:  good food,  fresh water, liter box, and bowls or glasses. Bowls are used for food, while drinking water from glasses make cats feel fancy and elegant. Carriers are also important, as are ID collars and microchips, especially if your cat spends time outside the home area.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching

How to Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching

First you have to understand  what encourages your cat to change his behavior.

 Cats normally  respond best to positive reinforcement, namely praising and rewarding appropriate behavior, ignoring and withdrawing from inappropriate behavior.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Adopted Cat: Night time meowing

Common Causes of Cats Meowing at Night

One of the most regular complaints from cat owners, is of their cat's loud 'crying' sound in the middle of the night. This behavior is unfortunately very common and usual, particularly in older cats. Usually the cat just wants attention and reassurance that her humans are still around and she has not been left on her own. Cats often meow during the day as well, but the night call can seem much louder and more demanding also distracting.