Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to Make Your Cat Stop Attacking You?

Discipline the cat. 
You need to let him know not to do that.
  • One of the most effective ways to discipline a cat is a clean water spray. Squirting the cat in the face or body will stop most cats. They don't like it usually. Once in a while a cat enjoys it and thinks of it as a game. If so, use the spritzer as a distraction.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Top Distracting Toys for Home-Alone Cats

1. Peek-a-Prize Toy Box

The most interesting feature  of this toy is that the cats' natural hunting and stalking instincts come into play in reality. Their interest is not particularly in the "prey", but in the thrill of the hunt. The floor became littered with toys flipped out of the box by one kitty or another. Be sure to stock the box with plenty of other toys to maximize your cat's home-alone playtime. This is a toy that cats will not grow tired of.