Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Do cats have emotions?

Do cats have emotions? As a pet owner, you will have come to recognize your cat's various situations from his body language, facial expressions, noises and the way he moves. We instinctively know whether our cats are excited, happy, sad, frustrated , hungry or anxious.

However, emotions have been a topic of hot debate among behavioral experts because it's very hard to quantify or measure emotions of your cat.
While it is clear that your kitty has a rich emotional life.

What are emotions?

Emotions give cats the impulse to act in response to an event or important situation. For example, the negative emotion of fear may cause your cat to actively defend himself.
Emotions are divided into positive or negative feelings and these have rising or decreasing scales. For example, pleasure can increase to feelings of elation, while frustration can increase to anger and rage.
Feline with behavior problems usually demonstrate the extremes of an emotional scale when they exhibit their problem behavior.
Recent research has demonstrated that all mammals including feline have seven fundamental, basic, emotional systems that provide the ability to react to in formations about what enters the brain via the senses from their environment.
These seven include a seeking system to look for food, a fear system to respond to unfamiliar events that may be dangerous and harmful, a play system and a care system to raise offspring and form vital social attachments.
More recently evolved areas of the advanced human brain can process this emotional capability into the more elaborate emotions of love, shame, contempt, worry and so on. Whilst we don't associate such 'higher feelings' with cats, this does not in any way detract from the fact they feel more basic emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and fear in the same way that we do.
Modern pet behaviorists realize that emotions are, in fact, essential to how animals learn anything at all, even if precise measurement of these feelings remains elusive. They use emotional assessment as the basis of treating pet behavior problems.

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