Monday, December 15, 2014

African Wildcat - Ancestor of the Domestic Cat?

The African Wildcat is a species of wildcat that is found across Africa as well as on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula and the Caspian Sea. It split off from other similar species around 130,000 years ago with the first being domesticated around 10,000 year ago. This means the African wildcat is the ancestor of many of the breeds of domestic cat that we all share our homes with today.

California Natural Cat Food? Is California Natural Cat Food Good for your Cats or Dogs?

What is California Natural Cat Food made of? Why is California Natural Cat Food so healthy for your Pets? California Natural Cat Food is made only of what is needed for a healthy diet for cats, nothing more. California Natural Cat Food is created with lean meats, essential vitamins and minerals, full meats and tasty extras. California Natural Cat Food has balanced ingredients like herring oil and sunflower oil which have the health supplements Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids which make your cat a shiny coat and healthy skin. California Natural Dry Cat Food combines wholesome and healthful ingredients to provide the perfect key to good health, long life and shiny coat as well as good digestion.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Can Healthy Cat Food Contain Preservatives?

In this day and age of the mighty dollar masquerading as king, it becomes more and more difficult to trust businesses who have a vested interest in gaining your sale. As cats can’t talk to us, or perhaps I should say, as we can’t hear what cats are telling us, we don’t have that all important input to know if we are providing our cats with a healthy cat food.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Healthy Cat's Nose

A healthy cat's sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than a human's, which is not surprising, since the cat's nose may be one of his most valuable assets and organs of it’s body. In fact, news stories occasionally surface when cats' save their families' lives by waking them after smelling smoke or gas leaks.
Healthy Cats

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Healthy Cat's Ears

Except for the Scottish Fold and the American Curl, a healthy cat's ears will be triangular in shape and will have a good form. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Healthy Cat's Eyes

Your cat's eyes should be clear, bright, and alert to his surroundings  and also fresh. Although his pupils may be narrow or wide, depending on the amount of light reflecting on them, they should always be the same size and same shape. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Top 10 Senior Cat Health Tips

1.      Schedule  your veterinarian checkups at least twice a year. The older your senior cat, the more important it is to maintain good health and more important to think about his health.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tips to Have a Healthy Cat

The Essential Cat

Your little friend has certain needs, some of those are basic:  good food,  fresh water, liter box, and bowls or glasses. Bowls are used for food, while drinking water from glasses make cats feel fancy and elegant. Carriers are also important, as are ID collars and microchips, especially if your cat spends time outside the home area.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching

How to Stop a Cat from Biting and Scratching

First you have to understand  what encourages your cat to change his behavior.

 Cats normally  respond best to positive reinforcement, namely praising and rewarding appropriate behavior, ignoring and withdrawing from inappropriate behavior.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Adopted Cat: Night time meowing

Common Causes of Cats Meowing at Night

One of the most regular complaints from cat owners, is of their cat's loud 'crying' sound in the middle of the night. This behavior is unfortunately very common and usual, particularly in older cats. Usually the cat just wants attention and reassurance that her humans are still around and she has not been left on her own. Cats often meow during the day as well, but the night call can seem much louder and more demanding also distracting.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to Make Your Cat Stop Attacking You?

Discipline the cat. 
You need to let him know not to do that.
  • One of the most effective ways to discipline a cat is a clean water spray. Squirting the cat in the face or body will stop most cats. They don't like it usually. Once in a while a cat enjoys it and thinks of it as a game. If so, use the spritzer as a distraction.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Top Distracting Toys for Home-Alone Cats

1. Peek-a-Prize Toy Box

The most interesting feature  of this toy is that the cats' natural hunting and stalking instincts come into play in reality. Their interest is not particularly in the "prey", but in the thrill of the hunt. The floor became littered with toys flipped out of the box by one kitty or another. Be sure to stock the box with plenty of other toys to maximize your cat's home-alone playtime. This is a toy that cats will not grow tired of.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why do cats hiss?

A hissing cat sounds like a radiator which is  overloading at the moment.  She may seem almost funny to you, with that usually serene feline face contorted into an open mouthed sneer as his ears flatten, back arches and tail in hill shape.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to Integrate Cats

Integrating  new cats can be a challenge for your family. 
Cats are territorial, and don’t take well to unknown cats suddenly appearing in their territory and area. The inclination of most cats is to attack a new cat to try to make it go away, or to run away from it in fear. Some of them act badly.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Grooming your cat

Grooming your cat not only stimulates the circulation and improves muscle tone, but also minimizes hairballs in his body specially near stomach by removing loose hairs. It smooths down the fur to insulate the body more efficiently, and stimulates the glands at the base of the hairs which waterproof the coat of your healthy cat. In hot weather, licking spreads saliva that cools your cat as it evaporates; grooming also spreads sebum natural oil that protects and waterproofs the hair and skin) across the coat.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cutting cats claws

Trimming a Cat's Claws

1. Stay on the cutting edge
There are plenty of tools available to trim a little cat's and normal cat’s  claws; use the one that works best for you and your healthy cat.
Some people prefer a special pair of scissors modified to hold a cat's claw in place, others prefer human nail clippers and tools, and still others choose pliers-like clippers or those with a sliding "guillotine" blade. Whatever your tool of choice, be sure the blade remains sharp; the blunt pressure from dull blades may hurt an animal and cause a nail to split or bleed. Keep something to stop bleeding, such as styptic powder, cornstarch, or a dry bar of soap near you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hairballs in cats

What to Do About Hairballs in Cats
Hairballs in cats and healthy cats are unpleasant. And they’re not just disagreeable for the person who has to clean them up -- they can cause intestinal blockages, digestive problems, which can be a serious health problem, for your cat and little friend. It’s a given that your cat is going to groom himself.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bathing cats

Here are some simple steps to bathing your cat at home: 
1. Be prepared  and careful

  • Choose a warm room that has a door you can close to prevent  your cat’s escape.
  • Put several large bath towels next to the tub along with a hairdryer and pet carrier lined with a towel, door open and ready to receive a wet cat or kitty.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cat safety

You can keep your cat safe by adopting and following these tips :

1. You know your little friend. If he's acting strange, on the side of caution: Take him to the vet.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Facts about cats

In the list below you can find amazing and interesting facts about cats:
  1. There are more than 550 million domestic cats (feline) in the world, with 33 different breeds.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Toxic plants for cats

Plants Toxic to Cats
 Cats will chew on some plants. And, because they love to climb and explore more, it is difficult to keep plants out of their reach. Therefore, if you are going to have plants in your house or balcony, or if you let your kitty out in your yard, you need to be able to accurately identify the plants to which your cat will be exposed. When in doubt, it is best to remove the plant from your home. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Playful pets

What are good and nice toys for pets?
  • A good toy is one that your pet enjoys playing with. It does not need to be expensive or special (cats love cardboard boxes) but it does need to be safe and clean.

Friday, March 28, 2014


How is it possible to make an Emergency Evacuation Plan for Your Cat
 You may need to evacuate your home quickly for any number of reasons:
natural disasters, a house fire, or in a worst case scenario, or warfare. Very few pet caretakers think about disaster plans for themselves, let alone for their cats. But you need to make a plan now, because if you ever need evacuate quickly without one, it'll be too late for you and your friend.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cat games

Playing games with your cat is an enjoyable act, simple way to enrich his life, provide stimulation and strengthen the bond you share. Here are some games you can play: 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cat dangers

Household dangers to cats and feline :
 Here are some usual household dangers to watch out for: 

Rat bait

Most of  people know that rat bait can also poison their cat, but many don't realise eating a poisoned rat can also be fatal .

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Traveling by plane

Traveling by plane
Air travels require much more planning than traveling by a normal car. Make sure all your cat’s vaccinations are up to date and you know all the airlines regulations in your country.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Boarding Cats

Many owners still worry about leaving their kittens in catteries, however, as they are unsure how their cat will cope. Here are some important tips on helping your cat:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cat travel checklist

Food and water

  •   Dry food in resealable bags are good for your pet.
  •   Canned food - to add variety and water to your cat’s diet are nice options.
  •   Food and water bowls are necessary
  •   Water bottles filled with water can be helpful

Monday, March 17, 2014

Car travel

Cats don’t always make the best passengers.

Whenever you travel by  your car, always make sure your kitten or your cat is as comfortable as possible, making your life much easier!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Summertime cat safety

Picnic & barbecue special treats

While these foods are relatively harmless for humans, they can be extremely dangerous for your kitty, so it's especially significant to keep little snouts away from these summertime luxuries and activities. Human foods usually aren’t suitable for cats at any time but the greasy, spicy, fatty foods often served at barbecues can all cause vomiting and diarrhea in your cat, and that’s not much fun for .

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to find a lost cat

When Indoor Cats Get Lost:

  •  Please determine the escape point: When an indoor-only cat escapes outside, the best method to use is to determine the escape point, like perhaps a door or window was open.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Get your cat moving

Moving to a New House With Your Kitten

Cats don’t like new conditions and changes. They’re also territorial so imagine how they must feel when they suddenly find themselves in a totally different location. Heck, moving is stressful for men so you can certainly understand how unhappy the whole thing makes the family cat.

Cats and children

Cat Needs
Cats have become the most popular pet in American countries, partly because they do not need to be walked outside, and thus can fit into the busy lifestyles of today's families. But cats still need more attention every day.

Training your cat

Before training, it's a good opinion to have your cat examined by your vet to make sure there are no hidden health problems that could be aggravated by any training activity.
You can reinforce tricks your cat has mastered, but do not confuse him or her by teaching more than one new behavior at a time of training.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Living cats with dogs

Many people think dogs and cats are not able to live peacefully together. In fact, someone once coined the phrase “fighting like cats and dogs” and there is clearly some truth to the statement, as it’s been around for a while. Well, it’s true that some cats and dogs won’t make good housemates. They are two different animals with two different distinctive personalities and characteristics that will not necessarily blend. However, under the right conditions, many cats and dogs can live together in perfect harmony.

Scared cats and how to relax them

Creating a calm cat

If your kitty is still young and healthy, then it is important to introduce her to a variety of people and make these introductions as pleasant an experience as possible. Have your guests feed your kitty a tasty treat or play with a toy will usually encourage your cat to accept new people. Encourage your cat to stay around your home when visitors are around but enable him to get away from annoying kids or over-devoted cat lovers by giving him shelves and window sills to retreat to.

How to introduce new cats to cats

Cats are like potato chips!!. It is really hard to have just one in your house. That said-there is a right and wrong way to introduce a new cat to your young and older cats. Throwing them together while saying, “Fluffy, I would like you to meet your new friend, Felix, who will be sharing your food bowl, litter box and my lap from now on” can create chaos and fight. Cat to cat introduce should be gradual and carefully planned so all the cats involved associate initial interactions with pleasantries like treats, attention and play time. First impressions are important to fine tuning household harmony.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Do cats have emotions?

Do cats have emotions? As a pet owner, you will have come to recognize your cat's various situations from his body language, facial expressions, noises and the way he moves. We instinctively know whether our cats are excited, happy, sad, frustrated , hungry or anxious.

Cats and children

Cats and children seem to have a special bond. Few kids can pass up the opportunity to pet, play with or just nudge a little closer to a cute kitten or cat.Feline can make good first pets for children in your home. Compared to dogs,

Cat toileting problems

Cats are by nature, very fastidious and clean about their toilet habits and will normally be happy to use a litter tray indoors, or to soil in carefully chosen spots in the garden or yard. If your cat regularly toilets or sprays indoors,

What can your cat do better than you?

5 things your cat can do better than you

Cats are natural pounces and jumpers. With streamlined and nice bodies, flexible spines, powerful legs, feet and effective claws developed to hunt in the wild life, your cat can scale walls and fences  or jump on to your bench tops at home or perhaps even your ankles, when you least expect it!

Why Do Cats Purr?

For cat owners, there are few sounds as precious as a beloved cat's purr. The purr which is produced through intermittent signaling of the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles is often interpreted as a sign of contentment,

Why do cats meow

Cats  usually meow at people when they want something to do or to eat.So the vocalizations your cat makes are designed to get some attention from you and people around, or food, or playtime, whatever. Same thing goes for any kind of disturbance calculated to get your attention. 

Why do cats hide?

Have you ever wondered why your cat loves to get themselves into tight spaces? 

Have you ever wondered why your cat hides?

Kittens love to get themselves into small spaces like drawers, sinks, under beds and in boxes or roofs because those places make them feel warm, safe and secure.
Curling up in a small space lets your kitty to  conserve body heat and hide himself from potential threats.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Recovering from surgery

Your vet will give you specific advice related to your cat's particular condition, check-up dates and post-surgical medication. Always follow their instructions and contact them if you are not sure about something or have any concerns about your cat.


Amputation involves major surgery on animal; but if it removes a painful limb then it may be the best solution for your cat. Cats cope very well on three legs even without a tail and after a period of adjustment they can do everything a four-legged cat can do!(That is awesome)

Blind cats

Old age, disease or an injury can cause your cat to go blind. Although distressing for both you and your cat, this doesn't signal the end of a happy and fulfilling life indeed, your cat will get used to the new state of affairs and you can do a great deal to ensure that your cat has an easier time of it.Help your cat to have an enjoyable life.

Deaf cats

Cats may start to lose their hearing power for a variety of reasons, including aging. Inherited reasons of deafness are less common in cats compared to dogs but are seen in some purebred cats. For example deafness in white cats with blue eyes can appear. 

Ticks paralysis in cats

Tick Bite And Effects

Tick paralysis, or tick-bite paralysis, is caused by a  toxin that is released through the salivary glands of certain species of female ticks and which is injected into the blood of a cat as the tick infects the cat's skin. The toxin directly affects the nervous system, leading to a group of nervous signs in the affected animal.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Treating and preventing fleas

Treating and Preventing Fleas on Cats

The usual cat flea is the most common parasite on the cat’s skin. All cats can be affected except for those living at higher elevations, because fleas do not live above 5,000 feet. Cats living indoors can have fleas year-round.
Treating and preventing fleas

Fleas usually survive by jumping onto a host animal, cutting their skin, and feeding from the blood. In most cases, they cause only a mild itch; but a heavy infestation, especially of kittens or older cats, ill cats, might cause severe anemia or even death. Fleas also are an intermediate host of tapeworms. Some cats experience hypersensitivity to flea saliva. This produces intense itching and a localized or generalized skin reaction.
Flea infestation can be diagnosed by finding fleas on the skin of cat or by seeing black and white, salt-and-pepper-like grains in the coat. These particles are flea feces (the “pepper”) and flea eggs (the “salt”). Fecal material is made up of digested blood. When brushed onto a wet paper, it turns to reddish brown.

The warning signs of cat’s health

The warning signs of cat’s health   When you notice your cat is acting a little strange so you should try to pay more attention. Cats are known for hiding illnesses until the conditions worsen and signs become obvious. An extra trip or two to the litter box might not be noticed, but having to go every hour definitely signals that something is  going wrong with your cat. There are many health conditions to watch out for when it comes to cats. I  listed 19 cat health warning signs to help you identify signs that should have you concerned if they continue or appear at all. You have to check you cat weekly.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Putting a cat to sleep

Putting a cat to sleep, or cat euthanasia, is often done as a kind act to end the suffering life of  aging cats. When a cat is suffering from extreme pain, unable to hold up his head and walk, not interested in eating or playing or doing daily activities and unable to stand or move without being assisted, it may be time to put him to sleep.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cat hydration

Cat Dehydration - Causes 
What are the causes of dehydration in cats?

  • Vomiting and or diarrhea are the first signs.
  • Sickness - A sick cat may go off his food and water , therefore not receive enough fluids and become dehydrated.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cat hair loss

If you want to know about hair loss in cats you can read some below:

Hair loss (alopecia) is a common problem for feline. The hair loss can be partial or complete, and the patterns varied or symmetrical. Treatment options exist, though they are limited and sometimes difficult to deal with.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline Idiopathic Lower Urinary Tract Disease in Cats

Idiopathic Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (IFLUTD) is a general term for disorders characterized by blood drops in the urine, difficult and stressful urination, unnormal, frequent passage of urine, urinating in inappropriate locations (ie., bath tub), and partial or complete urethra block. Also known as cats Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC), Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS), or Interstitial Cystitis, this treatable condition occurs in the bladder and urethra of the lower urinary tract; that is, the tube from the bladder to the outside, through which urine flows out of the body.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Caring for your cat

How to care for your cat:
To keep your cat or kitten healthy the most important thing is to make sure your cat is taken to the veterinarians regularly; for kittens take them when you first get them to ensure they are healthy, powerful and disease free, make sure they are vaccinated at 9 and 12 weeks of they life. It is also important that either you or the vet check your cat for fleas and worms monthly and treat if its necessary.

Cat first aid kit

In an emergency situation, having the proper supplies and tools can save your cat's life. Most of the following items are available in drugstores and hypermarkets. You can simply expand a human first-aid kit to serve both you and your cat. You  can Replace any items you use.


Cats Vaccination: Advantages and Risks
What is the immune system? Is it important?
The immune system plays a important  role in maintaining your cat's health. One of the most important functions of this complicated system of specialized cells and molecules is to protect feline from disease and infection caused by foreign invaders - viruses, bacteria, and a host of other microbes and parasites intent on assaulting the body and causing Illnesses and disease.

Dental care

Dental problems are one of the most common diseases seen in feline. Cats often hide their oral discomfort, but occasionally, a cat may reveal its pain by pawing at its mouth, drooling or turning its head to one side while eating food, to avoid chewing on the painful side of its mouth. Some cats stop eating because of dental pains. Other ones may stop eating dry food and only eat wet food.

Common worms and treatments

Internal parasites and worms usually live in a cat’s digestive system and are detected by an examination of your cat’s stool. Treatment can begin as early as two weeks of age and should be repeated at two to three week intervals, by your vet. 

Pregnancy signs and stages

 How to Tell if a Cat is Pregnant?

Recognize the signs of being in heat

Both pregnant and in heat cats will be friendly with other living creatures and pets in their area.Also they show enlarged nipples, but only cats that are pregnant will be vocal about it while rolling on the floor like a giant blueberry in a sweet factory. If your cat is whimpering, she's probably just in heat.Don't worry!

Picking the right vet

 How can you find the right vet for your cat?
Finding a veterinarian that both you and your cat are comfortable with should be the most important priority. This article will help new pet owners find the right vet. It is important to put some thought into this as your veterinarian will be an significant part of your pet's life for many years.

Annual Vet Check up

Why you need to have an annual vet check up? 

There are some reasons that you should have your pet checked up once in a year.Below there are some of them  that can help you :